Daniela de Souza: overcoming adversities to beat sepsis in Brazil

Prolonged vs Intermittent Infusions of β-Lactam Antibiotics in Adults With Sepsis or Septic Shock A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Continuous vs Intermittent β-Lactam Antibiotic Infusions in Critically Ill Patients With Sepsis The BLING III Randomized Clinical Trial

Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guide 2021 – Artigo traduzido Português

Incidência e mortalidade mundiais, regionais e nacionais de sepse, 1990–2017: dados do Global Burden of Disease Study

Reduzindo a carga global da sepse: um legado positivo da pandemia de COVID-19?

Latin American Consensus on the Management of Sepsis in Children: Sociedad Latinoamericana de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos [Latin American Pediatric Intensive Care Society] (SLACIP) Task Force: Executive Summary

Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2021

The epidemiology of sepsis in paediatric intensive care units in Brazil (the Sepsis PREvalence Assessment Database in Pediatric population, SPREAD PED): an observational study

Resuscitation fluid practices in Brazilian intensive care units: a secondary analysis of Fluid-TRIPS

Effect of Intravenous Fluid Treatment With a Balanced Solution vs 0.9% Saline Solution on Mortality in Critically Ill Patients

Effect of Slower vs Faster Intravenous Fluid Bolus Rates on Mortality in Critically Ill Patients

Effect of a Resuscitation Strategy Targeting Peripheral Perfusion Status vs Serum Lactate Levels on 28-Day Mortality Among Patients With Septic Shock

Effect of an Early Resuscitation Protocol on In-hospital Mortality Among Adults With Sepsis and Hypotension

Predictive Accuracy of the Quick Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment Score in Brazil. A Prospective Multicenter Study

Sepsis: evolving concepts and challenges

Sepsis therapies: learning from 30 years of failure of translational research to propose new leads

Association Between State-Mandated Protocolized Sepsis Care and In-hospital Mortality Among Adults With Sepsis

Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Pediatric Sepsis Definition Taskforce

Incidência e mortalidade mundial, regionais e nacionais de sepse, 1990–2017: dados do Global Burden of Disease Study

Reduzindo a carga global da sepse: um legado positivo da pandemia de COVID-19?

Sepsis 3 from the perspective of clinicians and quality improvement initiatives

Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008

The Surviving Sepsis Campaign: results of an international guideline-based performance improvement program targeting severe sepsis

Promoting Global Research Excellence in Severe Sepsis (PROGRESS): lessons from an international sepsis registry

A multicentre, prospective study to evaluate costs of septic patients in Brazilian intensive care units

Brazilian Sepsis Epidemiological Study (BASES study)

Survey on physicians’ knowledge of sepsis: do they recognize it promptly?

The last 100 years of sepsis

Multicenter implementation of a severe sepsis and septic shock treatment bundle

Availability of critical care resources to treat patients with severe sepsis or septic shock in Africa: a self-reported, continent-wide survey of anaesthesia providers

Outcomes of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign in intensive care units in the USA and Europe: a prospective cohort study

Management of severe sepsis in patients admitted to Asian intensive care units: prospective cohort study

Surviving sepsis campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2012

Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock, 2012

Implementation of a multifaceted sepsis education program in an emerging country setting: clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness in a long-term follow-up study

Severe sepsis and septic shock

A randomized trial of protocol-based care for early septic shock

Estudo ARISE



The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3)

Chegando a um consenso: vantagens e desvantagens do Sepsis 3 considerando países de recursos limitados

Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2016

Assessment of Global Incidence and Mortality of Hospital-treat Sepsis. Current Estimates and Limitations – 2015

Variable compliance with clinical practice guidelines identified in a 1-day audit at 66 French adult intensive care units 2012

Epidemiology of severe sepsis in critically ill surgical patients in the university hospitals in China 2007

Epidemiology and outcome of severe sepsis and septic shock in intensive care units in mailand China 2014

Impaired long-term quality of life in survivors of severe sepsis: Chinese multicenter study over 6 years. 2013

Simplified Severe Sepsis Protocol- A Randomized Controlled Trial of Modified Early Goal-Directed Therapy in Zambia. 2014

Population-Based Epidemiology of sepsis in a Subdistrict of Beijing

Epidemiology of sepsis in intensive care units in Turkey: a multicenter, point-prevalence study. 2018

Sepsis-related deaths in Brazil: an analysis of the national mortality registry from 2002 to 2010. 2014

Time to treatment an mortality during mandated emergency care for sepsis. 2017

Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults. 2018

A systematic review of extravasation and local tissue injury fromadministration of vasopressors through peripheral intravenous cathetersand central venous catheters

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